
domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012

Science Fair

Science Fair


Does magnetism affect the growth of plants?


Our hypothesis is that the plants incline to the magnets and it can affect the growth of the plant

Theorical background


Magnetism is part of electromagnetism, which is one of the forces of nature.  The motion of charge particles called electrons produce magnetic forces.  This shows the relationship between magnetism and electricity. Magnetism was known in ancient times by the Greeks, Romans, and Chinese.
Tropism: A tropism is a fixed, automatic, or inherited plant movement in response to a simuli.  A positive tropism is when there is movement toward the source of stimulation
Plant trospism : The type of tropism used in this experiment is called a geotropism.  Geotropism happens when the plant germinates and the young root turns downward
Radishes : The type of radish used in this experiment is called a spring radish.  Radish is a common name for a member of the biennial herbs of the mustard family.  Radishes originated in China.

Magnetism is the force generated by any moving charged particle or charged particles. A magnetic field is the result of the motion of a charged particle or charged particles, and this field is generated in no other way. Any time a charged particle moves, it creates a magnetic field around its path of travel. There are no exceptions that we know of. Magnetism is a term that speaks to the phenomenon associated with a magnetic field and with its action on other things.
The creation of a magnetic field by a moving charge or moving charges is this fundamental concept that is behind the term electromagnetic force, which is one of the four fundamental forces in the universe. Electricity and magnetism are tied together inextricably because of this

Does magnetism affect plants growth?

The effect of the electric field intensity on the growth of the bean
sprouts are presented. The study is focused on the growing rate of the
height of the stems and the length of the roots. The bean sprouts are
experimented under the condition among without electric field, with
electric field at 10 kV/m and 25 kV/m, respectively. The growing rate
of bean sprouts have been observed every day for 5 days. The
experimental results indicate that the bean sprouts under high
electric field intensity have a better growth comparison to the low
electric field intensity based on statistical analysis.

How do plants grow and change?

Plants need some primary needs to grow and change: They are water and sunlight.
The plants start off as a seed and then slowly  develops into a seedling.During this moment the embryo help the seed to supply food.
Later the seed make the root grow. They need also carbon dioxide and oxygen to grow. After a long time,with good conditions for the plant,the stem and the leaves will appear.

Objectives :

The objective of this experiment is to determine if magnets affect the growth of radish plants.
This experiment is to improve that the growth of the plant can be modifying by magnetism.
The information gained from this experiment might help farmers and gardeners by showing them if it is better for radish plants to be near magnets so that they might grow


Shop light
Grow Lux Bulb
Radish seed
Water dropper
Potting soil (cups)
Tap water
Extension Cord 
Cow magnets


1. Gather materials. 

2. Put the correct 2 cups of soil in the pot. 

3. Then place one of the cow magnets in the middle of a pot with the north end facing up.
4. Then you must plant 2 seeds in each hole so there are 6 holes.  Plant the seeds about 2 centimeters away from the magnets and  centimeters deep. 

5. Do this with all of the pots except for 3 of them. 

6. Place the pots on the trays. 

7. Put the shop light and the grow lux bulbs together. 

8. Hang the shop light from the ceiling or from two chairs.
9. Place the trays with the pots on them under the shop light.
10. Turn on the light.
11. Give each pot 1/2 a cup of water to get the soil moist. 

12. Give each plant fifty drops of water each day for four weeks. 

13. Set the timer to turn the light off at 7:30 P.M and turn the light on at 7:30 A.M. 

14. Examine the plants at least once every other day after the first week. 

15. Then collect the data that you need.

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